Sunday 13 November 2016

Super Easy Scrolls

I finally got around to trying out a recipe given to me by a friend. And I'm so glad I did. I made the scrolls as a snack for my daughter, but I've got to be careful not to eat them all myself!

I thought it would be easy as the only ingredients in the base are self-raising flour and natural (or greek-style) yoghurt. How much could go wrong? Well, if you don't write down the recipe properly you might get as frustrated as me at first. My recipe said 1 cup natural yoghurt and 1 cup self-raising flour. After mixing the two together you are supposed to knead them until a dough is formed, but all I had was a sticky mixture that I couldn't get off my hands. I just kept adding flour until I was able to knead the mixture. I think I must have added another whole cup of flour! So while it could have ended with everything thrown in the bin I managed to save it.

After I had formed the dough I rolled it out in a rectangle (about 2cm thick). This is where the fun can really start. For my first attempt I spread some vegimite on and grated cheese over the top. Next time I will add ham and cheese and maybe a tomato based sauce. Your imagination is the only thing that will limit you here.

Once the toppings are on, roll it up and slice into 2cm slices. Then bake in the oven at 180°C for 25 minutes (or until golden). I ate two slices when they came out of the oven and am holding myself back until my daughter is ready for her afternoon snack (then I'll have some more 😃).

Share your favourite topping. I'd love to get some more ideas.

Super easy  Scrolls

1 cup natural or greek-style yoghurt
2 cups self-raising flour (add 1 1/2 cups at first and be ready to add more if you need it)

* Vegimite and cheese
* Ham and cheese
* Tomato base sauce with herbs and garlic, ham and cheese

1. Mix the yoghurt and flour in a bowl until it forms a ball.
2. Turn out on a floured surface and knead until a dough is formed. Be ready to add more flour if the mixture is too sticky.
3. Roll the dough into a 2cm thick rectangular shape.
4. Add toppings to the whole surface of the dough.
5. Roll into a sausage shape and slice into 2cm thick slices.
6. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 25 minutes (or until golden).